It was just a little bit warm especially cooking on the planchas!
However, it was very busy on the Old Dean Food Stall today including I'm pleased to say, a visit from our new MP Al Pinkerton.
Whatever our political differences, we have much more in common in our desire to do all we can for residents and the knowledge that we both have our heads "above the parapet". We are both focused on the absolute need to replace Frimley Park Hospital and the need for massive change in how we view and support those with neurodivergence.
Al also remarked on the real power to effect local change that County Councillors have compared to MPs and the very large postbags we both have. It was good to talk and concentrate on what we have in common, rather than the differences. I'm very much hoping we can work together on some of the issues faced by residents.
- Cllr Trefor Hogg, Surrey County Councillor for Camberley East
Pictured, Cllr Trefor Hogg and Dr Alasdair Pinkerton MP