Surrey County Council has set out it's Medium Term Financial Strategy to 2028/2029, outlining how the Council will use its funding to deliver its priority objectives and core services.
The priority objectives of growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit, tackling health inequality, enabling a greener future, and empowered and thriving communities, sit at the core of the budget process, leading the Conservative administration's approach to allocating resources and developing investment plans. These four objectives, and the guiding principle within the Organisational Strategy that no one is left behind, remain the central areas of focus as Surrey County Council (SCC) deliver high-quality and sustainable services for all.
The Medium Term Financial Strategy to 2028/2029 delivers a balanced budget and outlines the continuation of ambitious, sustainable and resilient medium-term financial plans, balanced alongside an uncertain political and economic national environment.
A strong focus on financial accountability has enabled SCC to improve its financial resilience and the financial management capabilities across the organisation. This has provided a strengthened position, enabling the Conservative led Council to be ambitious and look to continue to drive improvements and investment in the Council's services. However, under Council Leader Cllr Tim Oliver, there is a recognition that this financial year and the next two to three are likely to represent an extremely challenging period and SCC's focus will need to be on protecting service delivery in the first instance. During this period of uncertainty and financial challenge, this stability will not enable SCC to avoid difficult decisions, but will allow the time and space to make them in a considered and measured way.
Pictured, Cllr Tim Oliver, Leader of Surrey County Council