I wanted to update on what is in place to manage traffic through Tongham whilst there are lane closures related to the A31/A331.
Many of you will have seen the new signage up encouraging no HGVs or cutting through from the A323 southbound to the Hogs Back.
In addition we are putting up temporary traffic signals on The Street when there is a lane closure to manage traffic flows.
The temporary lights are only in place when the road closures are operational. Due to the recent bad weather our surfacing contractor’s programme has changed, the next closures are planned for yesterday onwards.
The key reason for this is cost. Just putting temporary signals up for a night is £250 a time so a total of £3000.
To have 24/7 temporary signals, they have to be manned which is £3000 a week potentially costing £24,,000 for the project works into end of November.
If the weather holds we hope to complete much of the works overnight for 12 nights (but not over the weekends), however the works we are undertaking are weather dependant. So if we have good weather and the work progresses without delay we may not need all these closures. We will keep the signs and website up to date as the works progress. We still aim to finish in November.
We have emphasised the correct location for the traffic signals so we should have no more issues with their placement going forward.
The Variable message signs on site and in advance have the dates as does the SCC website.