Good to introduce the work of Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO to Cllr Sinéad Mooney SCC Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and SCC Senior Officers yesterday. SHAC do incredible work in befriending residents to help reduce loneliness, running a range of events, providing the Rainbow Cafe and working with other organisations.
Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO recently received the King's Award for Voluntary Service. Equivalent to an MBE, KAVS is the highest Award given to local voluntary groups in the UK, and they are awarded for life.
Further improving Surrey's support to help residents live longer happier lives and stay in their homes are at the centre of recommendations made by the Adults and Health Select Committee and I'm looking forward to working more with outstanding organisations such as SHAC.
- Cllr Trefor Hogg, Surrey County Councillor for Camberley East
Pictured, Cllrs Trefor Hogg and Sinéad Mooney alongside the Mayor of Surrey Heath, Cllr Pat Tedder, and members of Surrey Heath Age Concern