Surrey Heath Conservatives are proud to announce our three candidates standing for Frimley Green: Attieh Fard, Howard Thomson and Stuart Black.
Following the tragic passing of our candidate Karen Campion in April, the election for Frimley Green was postponed until Thursday 15th June.
Residents in Frimley Green will have the opportunity to elect three councillors to represent them, and we are hoping that residents will back our three hard-working and dedicated candidates, who have a proven track record of delivering for the area:
Stuart Black
Stuart was first elected as a councillor for Frimley Green in 2021. Stuart has lived in Frimley Green for 20 years, and has have worked in many industries from aerospace to healthcare, leading innovation and change and having responsible for multi-million pound projects.
More recently, Stuart set-up a mental health and wellbeing practice specialising in addressing childhood trauma. Stuart has established a reputation as a hard-working councillor for the village, and we hope that residents will give Stuart their vote once again and support the local Conservatives on 15 June.
Attieh Fard
Attieh is a senior solicitor running her own local top-rated practice in Camberley, after having worked for law firms in London and Guildford. Attieh's firm won the Community Hero category in the Surrey Business Awards 2021.
This award recognised Attieh's contribution to the local community in Surrey Heath as she helped to recruit thousands of volunteers during the pandemic, and has vigorously campagined to retain public access to MoD land in Deepcut and Ash Ranges. Attieh was part of the successful campaign to stop traffic lights being installed in the village at the Frimley Green Road and Wharf Road roundabout.
Howard Thomson
Howard has considerable experience of local government having been a councillor in Spelthorne before moving to Surrey. Howard is committed is hitting the ground running once elected, with a record of delivery, ensuring value for residents' money and making sure that the planning process works for the community and is appropriate for the local area, with any news builds designed sympathetically and accompanied by the infrastructure needed to support the new residents.
To view the full Statement of Persons nominated, see here: Statement of Persons Nominated Frimley Green.pdf (
Pictured, left to right, Stuart Black, Attieh Fard and Howard Thomson